Additional direct bus service from Oughterard to Galway and return services

Would you like to get into Galway city every day using our national bus service? Would you like to avail of a service that works smoothly and on time for your college or work start at 9.00am? Would you like to be guaranteed a spot on the bus for your return journey home?

The current situation as advised from numerous local people in the nearby communities, visiting students staying in the area and commuters visiting our local area: 

1. Students consistently late for their 9.00am class due to too many stoppages. A direct non stop bus could be a solution. 

2. Bus near to full capacity at Oughterard and therefore cannot fit people on the side of the road. 

3. Both Bus Eireann and City Bus arrive at very similar times in the morning. 

4. Students and workers often need to walk back to Bus station in Galway to guarantee a return seat home due to huge increasing numbers waiting outside colleges. Not enough buses for returning home to Moycullen, Roscahill and Oughterard.

5. Students driving into their colleges and schools has increased, but they have also noted that additional car park spaces have not been allocated to accommodate this demand, therefore they would also like to see a good bus service that serves them well.

If you feel like the area could benefit with an additional bus service (public or private) in the morning and evening, please sign this petition. Many students and workers are faced with late delays due to multiple stoppages on the n59. A possible solution could be to add an additional direct bus service from Oughterard- Roscahill directly into the city. It is important for everyone to arrive on time for their lectures and places of work. It is also important to add this additional direct bus on return times in the evening to accomadate these individuals who need to get home. It is vital for all citizens to be able to use this great service, avail of their student cards, leap cards, oap cards etc. Patience and understanding is needed for individuals who are first time users, need additional support etc. Nobody can control traffic, but if there was a more direct route with minimal stops and earlier departure times this may help with a few problems people are experiencing at the minute.

More and more local third level students are living at home with their families and more national and international students are now living out in Oughterard due to the accomadation crisis in the city.

We all want to reduce our carbon footprint, do our bit for the environment.  Reducing cars and having an option to use a good bus service is necessary. 

Other suggestions are very welcome and thanks for all your interest and thoughts on this issue so far. Local TD and councilor have been contacted.

 Thanks Niamh 

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