It is important to keep the place as it is in order to support free time activity in the area.(Vienna, 2019-09-23)
Because I love the place(Wrocław, 2019-09-23)
I am skateboarding here, and its legendary place!(Prague, 2019-09-23)
This spot is most popular in czechskateboarding(Prievidza, 2019-09-23)
Keep Stalin Pure. 🔥(Prague, 2019-09-23)
Save Stalin Plaza!!!(Mainz, 2019-09-23)
I’m signing this because the locals there need a good plaza and I want to come visit and skate.(Barcelona, 2019-09-23)
For the culture 🙏🏼(Šahy, 2019-09-23)
This project is shortsighted and out of touch with the reality of why young people enjoy prague.(Prague, 2019-09-23)
Don't close stalin Plaza, it's the best(Prague, 2019-09-23)
the most magical place in Prague cannot be closed(Prague, 2019-09-23)
This place is truly unique, trying to think of anything in the world that rivals it for skateboarding and I can’t(London, 2019-09-23)
To keep ledge skating alive!(Kuala Lumpur, 2019-09-23)
Za stalin!!!(Bratislava, 2019-09-23)
I had great times there. One of the prettiest place in Prague.(Didcot, 2019-09-23)
Protože prostě tohle místo k Praze neodmyslitelně patří! Je tam úžasný výhled a mladí se tam rádi schází terč ten skatepark? Je úžasný, když si tam můžete posedět a odpočívat...má to prostě svoje kouzlo o které nechceme přijít!!!!(Sušice, 2019-09-23)
This iconic spot makes the city of Prague shine in the entire world, not just for skateboarders, but also for the social and cultural rôle this plaza plays for everyone. Just like the macba in Barcelona or the republic plaza in Paris.(Lyon, 2019-09-23)
I came here from the states just to skate this plaza and in turn, support the economy.(New york, 2019-09-23)
Its one of my favourite spots in europe and because of all the memories(Vienna, 2019-09-23)
im singing because i want this place alive for the next skate generation(cangas do morrqzo, 2019-09-23)
I'm a skater and we need to save this insane spot(Vienna, 2019-09-23)
SKATE OR DIEE!!!(Teplice, 2019-09-23)
Is the most beautiful place(Santiago, 2019-09-23)
It would be a shame to see such a legendary place for the culture go!(Budapest, 2019-09-23)
save the plaza rich with skateculture(kouvola, 2019-09-23)
It's absolutely a dumb idea to close the area due to build some stupid buildings, offices or god help some shopping centers(Prague, 2019-09-23)
I visit Prague every summer, and Stalin plaza is very close to my heart. It is a beautiful place, and i think a big building over the skatepark would ruin the area.(Helsinki, 2019-09-23)
best place for skateboarding!!(Kufstein, 2019-09-23)
This is the best place ever for skateboarding and more than that, is share with friend and see the city(Prague, 2019-09-23)
I came to Prague in 2015 so i could skate Stalin Plaza, this place has enhanced the culture of skateboarding and impacted young people in ways you can not imagine unless you are a skateboarder. This is one of the best place to skate ON EARTH. Please allow the youth to have this space to stay out of trouble and learn self confidence. SKATEBORDING SAVES LIVES(Brooklyn, NY, 2019-09-23)
Legendary skateboarding spot where all people can meet eachother(Saarijarvi, 2019-09-23)
Let live diy alloverzeworld(Blois, 2019-09-23)
Mělo by být trestné, ničit místa, jako jsou tahle.(Týn nad Vltavou, 2019-09-23)
I’m signing because this legendary skate spot should live forever! It’s a great place to do sport, relax and enjoy the Prague view.(Prague, 2019-09-23)
Bylo by hodne smutné, kdyby se Stalin změnil. Je to misto, kam chodi celá Praha odpočívat, na vyhlídku, na skate, na pivo a za muzikou. Nechceme to jinak! Děkujeme(Praha, 2019-09-23)
It's beautiful place, I spent there almost every holiday, and it's the most peaceful place I've ever skated.(Kraków, 2019-09-23)
stalin plaza might be still skateboard plaza(Praha 4, 2019-09-23)
Skateboarding(Praha, 2019-09-23)
Zachranme legendarny skatovy spot(Bratislava, 2019-09-23)
It’s iconic spot of skateboard culture in the world and i think, that destroying it is an profanation!(Warsaw, 2019-09-23)
I'm signing this, because this place means a lot for me and my friends. It's a place when we can forget about anything and just enjoy ourselves. I do not want this to change.(Prague, 2019-09-23)
One of the best skate plaza in the World!(Dunkerque, 2019-09-23)
I’m signing because I don’t want this place to be destroyed. It’s a perfect place for people to spend time and enjoy their time outside without cellphones.(Prague, 2019-09-23)
Nechte to tak jak to má být(Praha, 2019-09-23)
This is a world famous landmark landscape that is integral to the identity of Prague. I have traveled numerous times to Prague from the UK with the sole purpose of visiting the Stalin Plaza to skateboard. Like Southbank here in London, the Stalin plaza should be preserved as part of the rich cultural heritage of the city.(London, 2019-09-23)
Because this place is old but gold.(Trenčín, 2019-09-23)
Because Stalin Plaza is one of the most beautiful place for wiev Or chill and relax.(Praha, 2019-09-23)
Saving public spaces like this is vital to the local communities.(Nottingham, 2019-09-23)
I lived in Prague for 4 months last fall. This was by far my favorite place in the city. I met amazing people here and have many memories. It would be a huge mistake to destroy this amazing plaza.(Burlington, Vermont, 2019-09-23)
Save stalinplaza #skateboarding(Salzburg, 2019-09-23)
i grew there(Praha 8, 2019-09-23)
We need that spot!!!!!(FÜRTH, 2019-09-23)
I love this place for the view and for the chilling vibe(Cheb, 2019-09-23)
Mam to tam rada ❤️(Kyjov, 2019-09-23)
I’m signing because i don’t want to see close Stalin and if will be open after few years Stalin will look different. I like Stalin in this look.(Sučany, 2019-09-23)
It's one of the best skatespots known world wide(Nürnberg, 2019-09-23)
I have always wanted to skate this historical spot and want to see the locals have this spot for ever.(Miami, 2019-09-23)
Podepisuji, protože mi toto místo příjde plně využito a nechci, aby se přišlo o tak skvělý prostor.(Prostějov, 2019-09-23)
This is one of Europe’s most iconic places for the skateboarding culture and community. For years it has held it’s place as a legendary spot to visit for people all over the world.(Stockholm, 2019-09-23)
It’s a culturally important area in regards to the artform of skateboarding(Malmö, 2019-09-23)
I want to make it know I came from Vancouver island Canada to Prague the big reason I came to Prague was to see and skateboard at Stalin square. In Canada and I’m sure around the world this place have gained world renowned status as a famous skateboard spot .(Campbell river, 2019-09-23)
i have been traveling to prague for more than 10 years now and only because of this Spot. This spot is skateboarding history and his destruction would be a catastrophe for the scene. It‘s the Place to be!(Plauen, 2019-09-23)
Can’t erase history.(philadelphia, 2019-09-23)
Legendary skate spot that i wanna visit in the future.(Rapavel, 2019-09-23)
Stalin plaza is an iconic place for skateboarding. A great place for the skate community and the broader community as well.(Vancouver, 2019-09-23)
This spot is so sick pls don’t destroy it(Chemnitz, 2019-09-23)
Because is going about special undergrand coulture point(Prague, 2019-09-23)
This place is legendary(Tyumen, 2019-09-23)