Free Hindu Temples In India

At present, various state governments of India manage the administration of thousands of Hindu temples, both small and large. No such practice exists anywhere among secular democracies. Even in India, Muslim and Christian places of worship are exempt from government control.

Every Hindu is likely to get a decent religious education, better facilities, better treatment and improved services if the temples are managed by the local Hindu communities where they exist. There is a long list of undesirable consequences due to government management of Hindu temples.

In essence, Hindus will enjoy the freedom to manage their own religious affairs if they are granted the right to manage their own temples. With that freedom comes all the benefits associated with self management.


April 30, 2018

Supreme Court of India
New Delhi, India

Honorable Justices of the Supreme Court of India,

We, Hindus from around the globe, wish to appeal to your conscience on a matter of grave importance to all Hindus irrespective of our nationalities and country of residence. As you are aware, thousands of Hindu temples in India are managed by various agencies established by state governments since independence. This practice has harmed the Hindus beyond imagination. We are of the firm view that this practice, which involves continuous government interference and intervention in the religious affairs of Hindus, is a clear violation of the letter and spirit of the Indian constitution.

Hence, we the signatories to this petition, humbly request the highest court of India to recognize the gross injustice done to Hindus for decades and take corrective measures that will culminate in the permanent transfer of temple management to its rightful owners across India. We thank you for considering this petition to free all Hindu temples from governmental control.

cc: To all state governments of India, human rights agencies and concerned institutions worldwide.

U. S. H.A. --- United States Hindu Alliance    Contact the author of the petition