Liz needs a grill

Erik does not see the validity in my reasoning on why having a grill is great tool to have. 

I have been able to find a small sized gas grill that is perfect for an apartment space and safe to have on the balcony. 

The Pacific Northwest, which normally does not get hot, has been in the upper 70's to upper 80's consistently over the past few years we have lived here. Last year we suffered through a 100 plus degree heat wave last year. 

I saw all of this to say one thing, what is it too hot to do? To cook inside. We have been wasteful with resources to order out when those funds could simply go towards a mini grill of a reasonable price. 

Since Erik will not see to reason, I ask for all who care about this cause for me to have grilled food at all times throughout the year.

Thank you for your time. 

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