**UPDATE** This issue has been successfully resolved and residents will be allowed to have decorations on their own rooms.

This year, 2020, St. Mary's Nursing Home situated in the Phoenix Park, Dublin, have made the arbitrary decision to not put up Christmas decorations for residents this Christmas due to covid 19. 

These residents are already largely confined to  and isolated in their rooms as it is. Visits are very infequent and up until recently took place by means of viewing one family member hrough their closed window for 15 mins. 

These people, with a lifetime of experience behind them and who have likely been through tougher times than the threat of this virus, have been given zero choice in how to live out the remainder of their days, even if they feel quality of life is more important than longevity. They are denied actual physical contact with their loved ones and each visit is just a few minutes long. They have suffered greatly these past months, and have been given no say or autonomy. Because of covid normal activities that would previously have provided mental stimulation have for the most part ceased as has contact with other residents. 

In justifying the need to lock up citizens and deny them their rights and choices,  with the lament of it alledgedly being "for their own good", we risk repeating the mistakes from this country's unresolved and recent past.

And now these people- human beings with thoughts, needs and feelings of their own, can't even have the smallest of joys- to be able to sit and look at the colourful decorations and ambient lights of a festive tree. Please sign this petition to implore St. Mary's to reverse this inexplicable decision and to put up decorations for residents who have suffered enough emotionally and mentally in the past few months.

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