Allow Australian stores to sell Star Wars Legion and Marvel Crisis Protocol Product

 **Please review and sign this petition if you agree Australians should be able to sell Australian stock of the following items which are on hand**

- Star Wars Legion Wookie Warriors
- Star Wars Legion Yoda
- Star Wars Legion IG-100 Magnaguards
- Star Wars Legion - Super Tactical Droid Commander
- Marvel Crisis Protocol - Blade and Moon Knight
- Marvel Crisis Protocol - Doctor Voodoo and Hood
- Marvel Crisis Protocol - Doctor Strange and Clea
- Marvel Crisis Protocol - Sanctum Sanctorum Terrain
- Marvel Crisis Protocol - Mordo and Ancient One


This has been a difficult year in the miniature market for Australian players, stores and distrobutors. Australia has constantly been behind release, after release compared to the rest of the world. As a result the majority of our consumer base has turned to overseas retailers fulfil their needs.

Personally [writing from Rick’s POV] I am supportive of our consumer base purchasing the product from wherever they can find it available. This was evident through my earlier social media post(s) where I highlighted this stance and stated there would be absolutely no hesitation in providing refunds if they could find they could find the product elsewhere as we want to see the games be successful. I have a firm belief that consumers should not be impacted by the lack of proper management.  I also know that once the storm of nightmares with supply chains ended, the consumer base would eventually return to shop locally when we we’re on the same release schedule as the rest of the world.

We’re now at the point of this petition. Australia has physical stock of the listed items. We have been advised that Australian stores do not have the green light to sell these products until ‘a later date’ alluding end of October at the earliest. This wouldn’t be an issue if all regions we’re in the same boat. However, the UK and other regions are currently selling these items (with approval) which brings us back to the issue detailed above, where we as an Australian store are now processing refunds for items that are actually here and available locally as they are purchased internationally.

Games Bandit, along with many other stores who have already closed, are on the brink of bankruptcy. I don’t want that to happen and am literally scurrying to keep the boat float. We simply want common sense to prevail. The request we’re asking for is that Asmodee provides the green light that Australian Stores are allowed to sell the earlier mentioned items.

I love Games Bandit, the communities, the friendships, the games and the partnerships we have. Each and every day we have been in contact with distributors, publishers, game designers/creators, support staff, freight forwarders, courier companies, etc, etc  in an attempt to get the products in time for release dates but it’s been an uphill battle. Further push back for Australia makes no sense. It hurts the player base, the stores and the distributors and we want an easy and quick win-win-win situation; all it would take is a tick of approval for us to proceed.

Thank you for reading and signing on for this cause. It will be emailed to as well as a long list of individual contacts shortly.

TL;DR Australian stores should be able to sell the above listed items, sign petition to show support if you agree.

Feel free to contact me directly on

Thank you <3

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