increase the punishment for pedophilia!

Increase the punishment for pedophilia! 

in sweden its very hard to get convicted in this crime! And if you get convicted its much lower then if u sell illegal drugs for example.

And this has to change! 
just the other day I read that the police had arrested an pedophile for crime against child pornographi, the mobile was full of hardcore pictures and movies.

The punishment was barely anything and he was out again and then he raped a child behind the local store....


if the punishment was what it should be this could have been stoped!


and in another case a pedophile got a milder punishment because "he didn't know the victim didn't want to because it didn't say no"....well the victim was 8 months old.


we can no longer stand for this, yes it's barely spoken of because its a hard topic but even one child is one enough! 

The punishment for sexualabuse, child or adult must be one of the hardest you can get! 
our bodies and mindes must be worthy of more! 
you get permanently scares often physically and mostly psychologically! 
and its enough now! 
we cant stand for that crime generating money is more worth than our bodies and mindes! 


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