LIVERPOOL FC supporters who do not want anyone claiming to represent them without mandate

 We, being supporters and fans of Liverpool Football Club, wish to make it known that no individual, group or union have our mandate or authority to speak on our behalf. 

We request that Liverpool Football Club cease engagement with any individual, group or union that claims to represent all Liverpool supporters. 

Any individual, group or union who seek to become an influential voice within the hierarchy of Liverpool Football Club, now or in the future, should make it clear that they are only representing their own accredited members. 

We request that local media cease giving publicity to any single individual, group or union without making it clear how many members are being represented, and give equivalent attention to all such individuals, groups or unions. 

Liverpool FC supporters are a diverse number of people with differing views on many issues. They are from many different areas of the world from different cultures, faiths and societies. 

It's manifestly obvious that the only umbrella under which they all gather is their wish for the success of their favourite football club. 

It follows therefore that nobody can claim to represent all their views, especially if those views have not been extensively canvassed. 

If you agree with the sentiments set out in this petition please add your name. 

Thank you and YNWA. 

John Michael Hughes    Contact the author of the petition

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