Petition to have the title removed from "Sir" Charles Edward Trevelyan


This is a petition to appeal to the people of Britain for the removal of the title "Sir" from Charles Edward Trevelyan, the man who orchestrated the systematic export of food from Ireland during the mid to late 1840's, which left the poorer class of native Irish people who were forcibly dependent on potatoe crops as a soul source of food and nutrition, as over 90% of agricultural land in Ireland at the time was owned by the minority British class, and absentee british landowners. Food relief was not encouraged by Trevelyan and he believed such interference would be blasphemous. He believed the starvation of over 1 million Irish was indeed gods will. Trevelyan represents the attitude of the ruling English towards the Irish; his quote, which claims that the famine is a punishment from God, is particularly atrocious when one realizes that he was responsible for administering relief in Ireland during the famine, as noted above. As a further insult to the Irish people, he was knighted in 1848 for overseeing famine relief. As the title is given to people who as held to high esteem in British culture, for Trevelyan to keep this title can only be seen as a justification in British culture for his actions which over the genocide of millions of Irish people and the generational immigration of Irish that followed. 

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