Repeal Weston Sanitary Board Increase

Petition to Repeal Rate Increase by Weston Sanitary Board Passed 10/5/2020 and was re-submitted and passed on 1/4/2021.On October 5th, 2020 and again on 1/4/21 the City Council of Weston West Virginia held a public hearing on a rate increase of the Weston Sanitary Board.

During the public hearing all members of the public who spoke on their position on the rate increase spoke against the increase. No member of the public that attended spoke in favor of this increase. Immediately following the public hearing, the City Council held a second reading and of the ordnance and held a vote. This vote was passed without any discussion by council after hearing the public opinion and was unanimously in favor of the increase.

The public was notified only a week before the rate increase second reading and public hearing and the information that was sent with the bills stated a 17% rate increase.  What was passed was a 19% increase not the 17% stated in notice provided to customers. The customers of the Weston Sanitary Board located in Weston, West Virginia oppose this rate increase and are submitting our formal petition to have this rate increased repealed.

Below are the names of each person who is a current customer of the Weston Sanitary board who are not in favor of the rate increase passed by the Weston City Council on October 5th, 2020.The following customers declare they are opposed to the 10/5/2020 and 1/4/2021 vote to increase the Sanitary bill for the Weston Sanitary Board located in Weston, WV.Please only sign this petition if you are the name on the bill or spouse of the person named on the Weston Sanitary bill. Please list all account addresses if you have more than one address account. Only one signature per sanitary board bill. Please fill out this petition per each address. Please provide account number in comments if possible.5f7ce1e8c8847.image_.jpg

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