Retain Our Green Space – Orlynn Park Green, Adjacent to the Forge & Remount Farm Lusk (Motion 749)


Please sign this petition supporting my motion to the Development Plan to have the green area in Orlynn Park adjacent to the Forge and Remount Farm that is currently zoned for residential development changed to Open Space.

“That Fingal County Council resolves that the lands outlined on the attached map, which is in the ownership of FCC, being proposed for identification purposes be zoned from RS (Residential) to OS (Open Space) – to be included in the adjacent Open Space and provide for utilisation for recreation by the people of Lusk, as it is currently used for, in the Draft Fingal County Development Plan 2023 – 2029.”

This land has been used as Open Space by the residents of Lusk for many years and retaining it as Open Space must be a priority as part of this Development Plan Process.

Cllr Robert O'Donoghue    Contact the author of the petition

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